⌟ Guarenteed Rent

Blackbridge Properties offer landlords in South-West and South-East London guaranteed market rent every single month through corperate lets. This is a great solution for landlords who no longer want the hassle of managing their investment properties.

Our landlords receive rental income direct to their bank accounts every month on a 3-5 year contract, whether their property is tenanted or not.  Our corporate letting scheme means that we manage the property, collect the rent and carry out small maintenance jobs at our own costs.

Blackbridge Properties can carry out tasks such as refurbishing and furnishing your property where needed, in order to bring your property up to high rental standards.

We will rent your property to professionals that are in full-time employment. This reduces any potential wear and tear to your property.

We even take care of the bills, cleaning and gardening of your property.

If you have a property in SE, SW or Central London that you would like to let to Blackbridge Properties and take part in our Corperate let opportunities then we would like to hear from you.

How could Corporate Letting benefit me?

Under the weight of legislation, regulations, and rent arrears some people get fed up of being landlords.  If this sounds like you, then a corporate let may be the solution you have been looking for.

Corporate tenancies allow landlords who would like to continue to benefit from their rental income and increase in property value but no longer feel able to deal with all the issues related to owning a property.

Blackbridge Properties can offer a corporate let to suit your needs, get in touch to find out more.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Why should I hand my property over to you?

A: We will guarentee your rent is paid every single month on a 3-5 year contract. No hassle, no voids, no difficult tennants to deal with – just watch your rent roll in.

Q : How can you guarenteee my rent is paid every month?

A: We have a large database of corporate tennants so are confident we can acheive 100% occupancy.  However, we guarentee your rent for up to 5 years so even if we don’t manage to rent your property, we will still ensure you receive your full rent as agreed.

Q : What do you get out of it?

A: We will rent each room in your property to a professional tennant through our corporate let scheme. We guarentee you an agreed market value rent for up to 5 years. If we acheive 100% occumpancy from the property, we will aim to make a profit on the increased rent acheived through letting our rooms individually.

Q : Will you carry out any refurbishments?

A: Yes, if we feel that updating or refurbishing the property will enhance the rental income pontential, some light refurbishments will be carried out.  You can rest assured that maintanence will also be carried out by Blackbridge Properties Ltd as required.

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